Corporate Governance

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Corporate Governance Angler Gaming plc

Corporate governance is a framework of rules, practices and processes by which a company is governed. It is a system of checks, balances and internal controls, whereby the functions, rights and responsibilities for the company’s operations are distributed amongst its main governing bodies, ensuring that the interests of the company’s shareholders, its board, its management and other stakeholders are balanced, while advancing the company’s goals.

Angler Gaming plc is a public limited liability company registered and headquartered in Malta and listed on Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm, Sweden (‘Spotlight Market’). In 2019 the Company has been amongst the very first few companies to have been accepted from the start to the Next Segment of Spotlight Market. Next is a segment of the Spotlight Market where companies conform to higher demands and aim to take the next steps in their growth journey. 

Angler Gaming places corporate governance at the very core of its operations, recognising its importance for the Company’s sustainable, responsible and efficient operations. Good corporate governance is instrumental for achieving long-term sustainable success and creating value for the shareholders of the Company, while safeguarding interests of the company’s employees, customers and other stakeholders.

The governance, management and control of Angler Gaming is divided among the shareholders, the Board of the Directors (‘the Board’) and the executive management of the Company headed by the CEO, in accordance with the applicable regulatory framework, which is outlined in the Company’s Corporate Governance Report forming part of the Annual Report.  

The principal sources of the corporate rules for the Company are the Companies Act, the Company’s Articles of Association (‘the Articles’), Spotlight Market’s Regulations and the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (‘the Code’), which the Company started applying since November 2019, as it became accepted into the Next Segment of Spotlight Market.

For full information about corporate governance in Angler Gaming, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report in the Annual Report.

Board of Directors, Angler Gaming plc 

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