Summary of the Annual General Meeting 2024
Angler Gaming PLC’s Annual General Meeting, held on 31 May 2024 in Stockholm, unanimously approved all proposed ordinary resolutions.
Shareholders representing 8.45% of all issued shares in Angler Gaming PLC were represented at the AGM.
The AGM unanimously approved the annual report and the auditor report of the Company and the Group, including the income statement and the balance sheet, for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.
All members of the Board of Directors, namely, Olga Finkel, Thomas Kalita and Ralf Feldt, stood for re-election and were unanimously re-elected until the next annual general meeteing. Olga Finkel was also unanimously re-elected as chairperson of the Board for another year. George Farrugia was unanimously elected as a member of the Board of Directors until the next annual general meeting.
The Company’s auditor has been unanimously re-appointed for another year.
Thomas Kalita, Company CEO, highlighted in his CEO Statement that 2023 was an overall positive year of growth for the Group and the return to the path of growth as a result of a successful implementation of the Group’s turn-around project.
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