Public disclosure of transactions by managers
Allotment of option shares and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities
The Board of Directors (“the Board”) of Angler Gaming PLC (“the Company”) has approved the issue and allotment of 295,000 ordinary shares in the Company to six option holders of the Company. The Board’s approval comes after receiving valid option exercise notices for the last tranche of the previously granted options and pursuant to the authorization granted by the Company’s annual general meeting of the shareholders. The exercise price was SEK 4.72 per share for 25,000 shares, SEK 4.10 per share for 25,000 shares and SEK 1.84 per share for 245,000 shares.
The above allotment brings the number of issued ordinary shares in the Company from 74,689,995 to 74,984,995, representing an increase of approximately 0.39%. Following the allotment, there are no outstanding share options which remain to be exercised.
The notifications in respect of Ralf Feldt and Marvin Abela, who are considered as persons discharging managerial responsibilities in terms of the Market Abuse Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 596/2014) (“MAR”), and who have acquired (in total) 130,000 ordinary shares, have been made to the competent authority and published in accordance with the MAR.
The Board of Directors
Angler Gaming Plc
About angler gaming plc Angler Gaming plc is a Maltese holding company listed on Spotlight Stock Market that invests in companies which provide gaming services over the Internet. The main focus of the operation is to own and administer internet gambling companies.
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