Interim report for 1st quarter 2017
1st January to 31st March 2017
Angler Gaming PLC, reg. no. C55255, Malta
Financial report for the period ended 31st March 2017
Key Facts for Quarter 1 2017 (1st January 2017 – 31st March 2017)
All-time high in Revenues and Net Profit for Q1
Profits increased by 104%
All figures are compared to the same quarter last year if not explicitly stated otherwise
- Revenues increased by 71.6% to €2,684,652 (€1,563,925)
- Net profit increased by 104% to €808,190 (€395,437)
- Net Profit Margin of 30.1%
- All-time high in customer deposits with an increase of 71.20% to €4,558,198 (€2,662,437)
- 24,843 new registered customers (ATH) with an increase of 119% (11,315)
- Earnings per share of €0.0109 (€0.0054)
Events in Q2 2017
- The poker product was successfully integrated and will be launched during Q2 2017.
- Launch of the sportsbook is planned for Q2
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