Extention of the option scheme and option exercise
In line with the authorisation of the shareholders granted at an extraordinary general meeting held on 23 September 2014 and with the Company’s aim to incentivise key individuals working for the Group, the Board of Directors has approved an extension of the option scheme previously put in place by 75,000 options (to 1,485,000 options in total) and granted the additional options as follows:
- Head of Brand Manager: 50,000 options at the strike price SEK 4.10 per share and exercise period in October-November 2017
- Head of Customer Service: 25,000 options at the strike price SEK 4.72 per share and exercise period in January-February 2018
The Board has also approved, after receiving valid option exercise notices, the allotment of 225,000 shares, being the second tranche of granted options, as follows: 75,000 in favour of the CEO, David Gray, and 150,000 in favour of the board member Michael Bennett. The strike price for each exercised option is SEK 1.59.
The above allotment brings the number of issued shares in the Company from 72,994,995 to 73,219,995 and the share capital to €732,199.95.
The Board of Directors,
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