Acquisition of B2C business in October 2014
At the request of Aktietorget Angler Gaming PLC is hereby publishing further information regarding the acquisition of a B2C business by Angler Gaming’s subsidiary, from its Business to Business partner, which was duly announced in the Q3 report 2014, published on the 31stof October 2014. The acquisition was paid first by issuing 8,208,963 shares in Angler Gaming PLC at SEK 1.69, being the price on the day contracts were signed in October 2014. In addition, in accordance with the acquisition agreement, Angler Gaming PLC issued further 692,640 ordinary shares as part of the acquisition payment, at SEK1.00 per share. As a result, the total number of issued shares in Angler Gaming has increased to 72,524,995 ordinary shares of a nominal value of EUR0.01 each.?
The B2C business was acquired from the most successful B2B partner of Angler Gaming’s subsidiary. The acquisition included the purchase of a gaming brand, a customer base, internet domain names and an organization of two persons. In acquiring the business Angler has managed to secure long term income from the business, as well as the full cash flow, which was formerly split between the parties. The acquired business, which today represents around 50% of the Angler Group’s B2C revenues, equivalent to around 30% of Angler Group’s total revenues, was thereby valued at around SEK 14.5 million kronor at the time of the agreement.
Michael Bennett – Director
Tuesday 6th October 2015.
or more information contact:
Michael Bennett
CEO – Angler Gaming PLC
[email protected]
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