Extraordinary General Meeting in 2014
Report from Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting in Angler Gaming plc was held on 23rd September 2014 in Malta. The shareholders of the company approved the resolution to increase the authorised share capital of the Company by 12,000,000 ordinary shares of nominal value of €0.01 each; and to authorise the Board of Directors to issue up to 12,000,000 unissued ordinary shares of the Company, whether in one or several allotments, at the Board’s discretion, to person(s) and/or entity(ies) that can contribute valuable assets to, make a material positive impact on, or are positioned to provide material contribution to the Company group’s business overall. 56.2% of all issued ordinary shares in the Company were represented in the extraordinary general meeting (in person or by proxy). The above resolution was approved by 97.2% of the shares represented at the meeting.
For further information please contact Michael Bennett, CEO, on [email protected]
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