Communique from the EGM – Extraordinary General Meeting approves the Rights Issue
An Extraordinary General Meeting in Angler Gaming plc was held on 8th April 2014 in Stockholm. All proposed extraordinary resolutions (as included in the Notice of the meeting and the relevant Press Release) relating to the Rights Issue (including the Shares and Warrants issue as previously announced) have been unanimously approved by the members present and voting at the meeting. The following is the time schedule for the Rights Issue: 10 April 2014 Last day of trading in Angler’s shares including the right to participate in the Rights Issue 11 April 2014 First day of trading in Angler’s shares excluding the right to participate in the Rights Issue Information Memorandum is estimated to be released 15 April 2014 The Record Date for participation in the Rights Issue, i.e. shareholders registered in the share register of the Company as of this date will receive subscription rights for participation in the Rights Issue 17 April – 30 April 2014 Trading in subscription rights 17 April – 6 May 2014 The subscription period for the Rights Issue 12 May 2014 Announcement of preliminary outcome 12 January – 30 January 2015 The subscription period for the Warrants Financial and legal advisers Mangold Fondkommission AB is acting as financial advisor and WH Partners is acting as legal advisor to the Company in the Rights Issue. Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå KB is acting as legal advisor on aspects of the Rights Issue related to Swedish law.
For further information please contact
Michael Bennett, CEO, on [email protected] or the Company’s advisors Mangold Fondkommission AB on +46 850301550 Angler Gaming plc is a Maltese holding company listed on AktieTorget that invests in companies which provide gaming services over the Internet. The main focus of the operation is to own and administer internet gambling companies.
This press release is not an offer for subscription for shares in Angler. No prospectus relating to the Rights Issue will be prepared and filed with the Swedish Financial Authority. The distribution of this press release in certain jurisdictions may be restricted. This press release does not constitute an offer of, or an invitation to purchase, any securities of Angler in any jurisdiction. This press release does not constitute or form part of an offer or solicitation to purchase or subscribe for securities in the United States. The securities referred to herein may not be sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Angler does not intend to register any portion of the offering of the securities in the United States or to conduct a public offering of the securities in the United States. Copies of this announcement should not be made in and may not be distributed or sent into the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Japan or Hong Kong. This press release contains “forward-looking statements”, which are statements related to future events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address Angler’s expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as “expect, “anticipate, “intend, “plan, “believe”, “seek, or “will”. Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain and can be influenced by many factors, including the behaviour of financial markets, fluctuations in interest and exchange rates, commodity and equity prices and the value of financial assets; the impact of regulation and regulatory, investigative and legal actions; strategic actions; and numerous other matters of national, regional and global scale, including those of a political, economic, business and competitive nature. These factors may cause Angler’s actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in its forward-looking statements. Angler does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements.
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